Your customer has the ability to save Shopping carts while shopping. All of the contents of the current cart will be saved with a special number and comment field. They can then come back and activate the carts. Once activated – the saved cart becomes the current shopping cart.
Often times, a customer will want to save a shopping cart to purchase later. They may even want to save multiple carts. For this reason, EnterpriStore enables customers to save and manage as many carts as they need. While shopping, customers can add items to their cart as usual. If they decide to purchase it at a later date, they can click the “Save This Cart” button on the Shopping Cart page. This will save the shopping cart on their account page and change the active shopping cart to empty. Customers can assign customized names to their carts, enabling them to easily find the one they want later. Customers can create an unlimited number of saved carts, which will be saved for three months. This is very useful if they want to save groups of different kinds of products, or if they want to space out their purchases to meet budget requirements.
Customers can manage all of their saved shopping carts on the Saved Carts page. This page displays a list of all their saved carts, including each cart’s name, date the cart was saved, and date it will expire. From this page, customers have the option to open or delete each saved cart. There is also a preview option that will show the customer what’s included in the cart, helping them to remember what each cart is for. Once they have opened a saved shopping cart, customers can choose to activate it. Once activated, a saved cart becomes the customer’s current shopping cart, and then they can proceed to check out. This option to save carts means that customers can keep track of all the items they’re interested in and quickly place orders based on saved carts.
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