Best Practice Design and Layout – Easy Navigation from Home page to All.
Best Practice Design and Layout – Easy Navigation from Home page to All.
The home page is typically the first thing customers will see when they visit your website. It’s therefore especially important that your home page be well-designed and easy to navigate. EnterpriStore has created a home page designed with ecommerce best practice in mind. Its layout facilitates easy navigation from the home page to all other pages. All the parts of the home page are also customizable. You can create a header with your company name, an image, a slogan, or whatever else you want. You can create an easy-to-access products tab scroller along the top so that customers can quickly find your most popular product categories. You can also include an index with all of your produce categories and subcategories so that customers can easily navigate to the product page they’re looking for. There’s plenty of space to include a description of your site, a box of features items, and banners. You can customize a rotating banner to effectively market your products.
Your home page will also include all the tools that customers appreciate to make their shopping experience easier. With a single click, they can access their shopping cart or your contact information. They can quickly sign in or find their account. They can also access their shopping list and order history directly from the home page. Of course, there’s also a search option that customers can use to find any of your products. All of these features (and more) mean that customers can quickly do exactly what they need to and move to purchasing products directly from the home page. It does exactly what a home page is meant to do: provide essential information and facilitate access to the rest of your site.