Ecommerce for Infor SX.e, FACTS and CloudSuite Distribution

HTML5 Ecommerce Mobile Responsive Platform

Collection Pages

Category – Manufacturer’s Collection Pages

Category Manufacturer Collection Pages1 Collection Pages

Individual Collection Landing Pages – Unlimited Pages

Individual Collection Landing Pages Unlimited Pages Collection Pages

Collection Pages – Administration

Collection Pages Administration Collection Pages
collections admin choose products Collection Pages

Collection Pages

On an ecommerce site, customers often want to look at products within a certain collection or made by a particular manufacturer. EnterpriStore makes it easy for you to create customized collection pages so that customers can easily find what they’re looking for. EnterpriStore offers a template for creating Manufacturer’s Collection pages for as many of your manufacturers as you choose. When a customer clicks on a particular manufacturer, they’ll be able to see all of that manufacturer’s product collections. This is great for customers who want to purchase multiple products with the same style and can help your ecommerce store to increase sales.

You’ll also be able to create an unlimited number of individual collection landing pages. This is ideal for when you want to create promotions that target particular collections. Whether you advertise directly on your site or elsewhere, you can link customers directly to a collection page with the promoted products. This tool will make your marketing efforts that much easier.

With EnterpriStore’s administration tools, it’s easy to create and customize all of these collection pages. On the main collections admin page, you’ll see a list of all of your collection pages, organized by manufacturer. With a single click, you can activate or deactivate any of these collection pages. You can also quickly create a new page, edit an existing page, or delete a page you don’t need any more. The process of creating or editing a collection page is very simple. You simply add in each product that you want to appear within the collection. With a couple of clicks, you can delete items that you want to remove from the collection or change the order in which the products appear. In no time at all, you’ll have an organized page for a complete product collection.