Blazing Sizzling Fast is the best when it comes to an Ecommerce site. Studies have shown that increased performance results in lower bounce rates and higher conversion rates.
We are constantly looking for any edge when it comes to Ecommerce site page load performance. We have optimized our web servers (Litespeed) and our databases (MariaDB) and hardware ( SSD Drives). We keep a log of the speeds of every page load in the system. We know exactly when our program needs more juice.
Because website performance speed is absolutely essential to maintaining a good conversion rate and keeping customers on your ecommerce site, we have invested in the most powerful tools possible to boost your performance speed.
SSD, or solid-state drive, is the best kind of drive to use to produce a fast performance speed. Traditional disk drives have mechanical moving parts, which take time to respond to any computer requests. SSD, on the other hand, is an entirely solid piece of hardware and is therefore not slowed down by any mechanical parts. SSD provides speeds up to 100 times faster than traditional SATA drives. We use SSD for all of our memory. This means that your website will have faster speeds and boosted performance. This is just one way we’re using the best technology to provide your ecommerce website with powerful, customer-pleasing tools.
When it comes to choosing a webserver, you want something that performs quickly and that can respond to any challenges in website traffic. The best choice for these needs is LiteSpeed 2.1 LiteSpeed is over 6 times faster than some of its competitors, such as Apache. It delivers both static and dynamic content quickly and consistently. EnterpriStore uses LiteSpeed so that every page on your ecommerce website will load quickly. You won’t have to worry about problems with bottlenecks or with slow loading times. Altogether, this works to create an easy and fast customer experience. Your website pages will load so quickly that your customers won’t even have time to notice. This means that they’ll never grow frustrated or impatient while browsing your site.
Maria Database is a strong and reliable SQL server, ensuring that all of your website’s data will be securely stored and processed. Maria Database is an open source software and has been developed cooperatively by a community of developers and users. Because of its background, it has been designed to meet the wide-ranging needs of users and developers, making it a highly effective database. Maria Database is an upgraded replacement for MySQL and facilitates more transactions per second than any previous editions of MySQL.
In order to keep your performance high, it’s essential that you can track it easily. This is true both before and after you decide to work with EnterpriStore. You don’t have to take our word that we deliver the fastest performance time. At your request, we will provide you with an ecommerce page load report, displaying the page load time of multiple pages across multiple ecommerce platforms. This will enable you to compare EnterpriStore to any other ecommerce platform of your choice. We’re confident about our performance speed, and we want you to be confident too. Once you are using EnterpriStore, you can continue to check your website’s performance with multiple performance logs. Daily performance and transaction logs show you performance speed and the number of transaction logs. This will allow you to check on your website’s performance over time and keep track of any issues.
In order to provide you with even more tools to track your website’s performance, we’ve also teamed up with Piwik. Piwik automatically tracks the speed of each of your website pages and displays your performance information in an easy-to-read format. You’ll be able to see information such as the average generation time for your website and the generation speed for individual pages. This data will help you to track your website speed and quickly become aware of any problems. This knowledge will help you to maintain a great customer experience throughout your website.