The primary thing we pride ourselves on at EnterpriStore is providing you with all of the tools you need to make your ecommerce store run as seamlessly as possible and create a great experience for your customers. These tools cover everything from admin menu layout, to email management, to categories setup, to product merchandizing, to SEO. There are also comprehensive tools to organize and get quotes for shipping. We believe these tools will make running your site as easy as possible. It will also make your site highly accessible for your customers.
In addition, we offer a number of powerful add-ons that add even more functionality to your ecommerce site. You’ll find a number of Office Suite Add-ons, including Opengoo, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Zoho, and Weboffice. There are also a couple of document management tools, OpenDocMan and Webasyst. We offer two comprehensive file management tools, eXplorer and AjaXplorer. With these add-ons, you can manage every kind of file you may need for your business. These tools will make it easy for you to manage all of your documents and records.
We also include SSL and security add-ons (Controlscan, Comodo, and McAfee) to ensure that your site is kept secure. In addition, you’ll find a number of add-ons to facilitate communication. You can add on Skype to communicate easily with your customers and partners. You also have a number of options for instant messaging, including Meebo, Koolim, and x20.iloveim. These can be very valuable tools to communicate with your own staff and with customers, who appreciate being able to receive customer service quickly and easily. Other add-on tools include desktop sharing, graphics editing, and advanced FTP.