Your enterpriStore solution comes with a complete package of administration features to enable you to fully control your ecommerce site. The tools are easy to use so that you can take advantage of them easily, without having to spend time learning how to use them. They enable you to monitor and customize every aspect of your site. These features will enable you to cut down on the time you spend regulating your site, help to boost sales, and improve the customer experience.
enterpriStore’s administration features are comprehensive; they cover every part of your site. The tools allow you to manage emails, product listings, orders, merchandizing, SEO, shipping, marketing, and more. To find out more about each of the 26 included administrative features, you’ll find links to descriptions of the features in the toolbar on the left. With these features, you have complete control over your site, sales, and all customer interactions. You can manage everything from general site issues, such as layout, to small details, such as individual orders.
The administration features will help to keep the many facets of your ecommerce website organized. Separate templates for each website feature allow you to easily go in and change exactly what you want to, without having to navigate through lots of pages. Clear lists and charts help you to keep track of orders, email lists, product listings, and more. You can easily see where you need to make changes or take action. The features also simplify keeping records and tracking sales. All of your information is easy to find and use, simplifying online business.
enterpriStore’s administration features are easy to use. There is no programming or advanced computer knowledge necessary. If you can type into a word document, you can use the administration features. It’s that easy. There is no steep learning curve here; you can start using the administration tools right away. All of the features are web-based, meaning you can access them from anywhere using your internet browser of choice (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Opera). enterpriStore makes it easy to manage a professional and highly successful ecommerce site.
The powerful tools in the administration features suite make it possible for you to customize your entire site, from the menus down to product listings. All of the controls are managed through templates. Clicking on a menu item will take you to a template for one aspect of your site where you can make adjustments to how that specific program should behave. You simply enter the options and values you want into the template, and the corresponding changes will be made on your published site. It’s that simple. From the templates, you can do things such as adding and organizing product listings, editing product prices, sending price quotes, managing payments, monitoring search engine optimization (SEO) effectiveness, and much more. The templates allow you to easily create and change anything you need on your website, in exactly the way you want it.
If you want to build an effective ecommerce website without spending all your time and resources maintaining it, enterpriStore is the software for you. The administration features represent the very best in tools that are powerful and easy to use, so you can focus on growing your business.