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Maxcdn – Content Delivery

Maxcdn – Content Delivery Newtork – Ecommerce Optimized Platform

A CDN is a network of servers around the world which have a copy of your website and its small files, so when a visitor loads your website, the CDN delivers your website’s files from the closest server to them.
The further the physical distance between the server and the user the slower the website becomes. So by serving from a closer location, the speed of the website increases.
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Fast Ecommerce Speed Upgrade

We run custom software that enables you get tasks done instantly, from getting provisioned to adding services or purging files. So you get the fastest speeds possible we optimize for each individual file size. Large files, like software updates, are served from a different architecture than commonly-used smaller files, like images and CSS.


ecommerce speed comparision Maxcdn Content Delivery

Benefits Of A Content Delivery System For Ecommerce

Happier Users Studies have shown that your users’ happiness is directly related to your page loading time. A faster site will yield happier users.

  • More Scalability When you grow, your current setup may slow down with the new demand; MaxCDN gives your website more scalability as we offload the heavy parts of your site onto our servers.
  • More Revenue A fast website has a large impact on your conversion rate. Here is one study, Mozilla shaved 2.2seconds off their page load and increased conversions by 15.4%
  • Better SEO Google’s algorithm has over 200 different ranking factors, and speed is one of them. As Google announced on their blog “Speed is now a ranking factor”.
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MaxCDN – Content Delivery

At EnterpriStore, we’re always looking for ways to boost your performance and help your customers to have the best possible experience on your ecommerce site. One of the ways we’ve done this is by partnering with MaxCDN, a content delivery network. A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of servers all around the world that each contains a copy of your website and its small files. When a visitor accesses your site, the CDN delivers your website’s files from the closet server. The shorter the distance is between the server and the end user, the faster your website is to load. By selecting the closest possible server, MaxCDN makes your website faster in any location.

This is a great tool for ecommerce websites because performance speed and page load time are extremely important to customer retention. Online users are typically impatient. If a page takes more than a few seconds to load, they will leave and go to a different website. To ensure that a customer stays on your site through completing a purchase, you need to make sure that your website loads quickly and works seamlessly. MaxCDN is an essential tool that will increase your website speed for customers everyone.

MaxCDN is especially vital if you are a globally-oriented ecommerce store. If you only have a single server, customers trying to view your website from far away will have to deal with very slow loading times. They’re likely to leave and go elsewhere. By using MaxCDN’s multiple servers, you make your website more accessible all over the world. It’s one of the best ways to make sure you don’t lose potential customers and potential sales.