EnterpriStore makes it easy for customers to create an account on your site. On the Sign In page, new customers will be invited with the option to register for an account. Once they click on the included link, they’ll be taken to an account creation page. The process is very simple: they just need to enter in their account information. This includes their name, company, and position, which can help you to plot your customer demographics. It also includes their address and contact information (phone number, optional fax number, and email address). As they sign up, they’ll be able to opt in or out of receiving special offers through email. They’ll create and confirm a password to use each time they log in. They’ll also be asked to enter a simple security code. This ensures that no automated programs will be able to create accounts on your ecommerce site. All of your accounts will belong to genuine customers.
Simple account creation is important for customer retention. Customers with accounts will be able to receive emails from you. They’ll also be able to save carts, shopping lists, and wish lists. All of these factors make them more likely to return to continue shopping at your site. You’ll also be able to use customer information to keep track of customer demographics and create promotional offers that will appeal to a large number of your customers. As is always the case with commerce, the happier your customers are, the more sales you’ll have.