Ecommerce for Infor SX.e, FACTS and CloudSuite Distribution

HTML5 Ecommerce Mobile Responsive Platform

View Order History

My Accounts – View Order History

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View the Order Detail

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View Order History

It’s important for every ecommerce site to make it easy for customers to view their order history. Businesses that have placed orders with you may need to review their orders for their record-keeping. Customers also want to stay informed about the status of their order or may want to double check on a detail of what their ordered. An order history page also helps to address customer service issues. The order history confirms exactly what each customer ordered, the price of each item, and other details. For all of these reasons, a good order history is a valuable tool.

EnterpriStore has designed an order history page that is very easy to read. A list of all orders contains each order’s date, order number, status, and total cost. This gives customers an overview of all of their orders and whether those orders have been completed. For customers who have placed many orders, there are options to filter the results. They can filter by date to view only orders that have been placed recently, or they can filter by order status. This allows them to view exactly the group of orders they need. From the order history page, customers can choose to print the information for any particular order.

If a customer is looking for more information, they can click a “Details” link for any order within their order history. The order information page includes all the details a customer may want to see. It includes the order number, order status, order date, billing address, delivery address, payment method, shipping method, and a log of the order history. For the items within each order, it includes the quantity, name, item number, tax percentage, and unit price. Customers will also be able to see the shipping cost and total cost. In addition, they can choose to print the order information page or open it as a PDF.